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3D Modelling Newcastle: Using 3D Scanning for Renovations

There’s no such thing as an easy home renovation. We provide 3D modelling services in Newcastle, and we see the benefits every day. When you’re considering renovating your home there are so many things you need to consider. Because there’s an existing structure in place, visualising your changes can be difficult. Well, thanks to 3D modelling, it just got a whole lot easier.

What is 3D modelling?

3D scanning captures the digital version of a shape, structure or landscape. The best thing is, it takes just one scan to locate millions of points. In this sense, 3D scanning provides far more accuracy. By conducting multiple scans on the area, a 3D model is generated.

This process provides fast turnaround and more accuracy. A 3D model certainly provides more information than traditional 2D As-Built drawings.

Once the model is produced, it can be viewed on any CAD program, making it easy for home owners, builders and architects to see what they’re working with.

Getting a clearer picture

3D modelling in Newcastle is making it so easy for home owners planning renovations. Because 3D modelling gives you a level of detail not found in 2D drawings, you can do so much more. For example, you can quickly change the layout of an individual room, and also look at different flooring options.

If you work with a professional 3D modelling team, you can explore a whole range id ideas and concepts until you’re completely happy.

3D modelling in Newcastle can save you money

What better motivation for using 3D modelling than the almighty dollar? By having a clear picture of everything from building structure to interior surfaces, you can eliminate the risk of mistakes. Making running changes to your plans because you run into an unexpected issue creates re-work and costs money. With 3D modelling, there should certainly be no surprises once you start work.

Increased accuracy in designs

Because of the millions of points captured by 3D scanning, accuracy is increased dramatically. Using 2D As-Built drawings doesn’t give you a full picture of a work area, but 3D modelling does. You’ll be able to see the entire existing structure, therefore allowing you to determine the best way to make alterations.

Looking for 3D modelling in Newcastle?

Our dedicated 3D modelling team are on hand to make your renovations a breeze. You can save time, money and also explore renovation possibilities more easily. For a clear picture before you even start, contact Geosurv today. We’ll take the hassle out of renovation planning and also save you money in the process.

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